الخميس، 8 سبتمبر 2011

msh5ol smach

rice with fish



fish 3

rice 5 cup

oil 3 to 5 tap spoon

onion 3 or 4

coriander 2 cup

dill 1\2 cup

mint 1\2 cup

garlic 2


turmeric + cumin +coriander + salt and pepper 1 tea spoon


fry the salted fish

mix the onion with Herbs , spices, oil and garlic

Boil the rice in salted water 5t0 8 minutes

but the herbs Mixture at the bottom of cooking pot

the fish is the next layer

and on the top the boiled rice "afrer Remove whater

cook in low heat for 20 - 40 mint

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